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DBM Systems
S&OP Tool Dictionary


Demand Stream Data Source
Demand Stream Plan Types
Site Status
Family Site Demand Stream Status

Demand Stream – Plan Types

There are 5 different options for how a Demand Stream plan is determined in the S&OP Tool.   


The types of Demand Stream plan are: 


  1. CB = Calculated Bookings: User enters a forward-looking forecast for the shipping plan. A bookings forecast will be calculated based on the backlog profile (standard lead time) for the demand stream and the current backlog spread. 

  2. CS = Calculated Shipments: User enters a forward-looking forecast for the booking plan.  A shipping forecast will be calculated based on the backlog profile (standard lead time for the demand stream and current backlog spread.

  3. M = Manual: Both a booking and shipping forecast must be entered for this demand stream.

  4. P = Project: The booking and shipping forecast will be calculated from the Opportunities managed in the Tool.  This is used for Abnormal or project demand. 

  5. T = Translated: A translated demand stream will automatically calculate a bookings and shipping forecast based on the supply plan calculated from a requesting family/site.  This is used when one location supplies product to another location. Calculation is based on standard lead-time, shipping lead-time and a translation factor (if required).



Demand Stream – Data Source


There are 3 ways to enter the initial demand plan for a Demand Stream in the S&OP Tool. This only applies to CB, CS, and M types of demand plans. The initial plans created by HIST and CSV data can be overridden in Demand planning.   


The data sources for a Demand plan can be: 


  1. HIST = Historical: The initial demand plan for the family will be the demand plan from the last S&OP period.  The plan can then be modified during the cycle. 
  2. CSV = Comma Separated Value (externally created):  The initial demand plan is loaded as part of the month opening activities and must be generated outside the tool. For CB demand streams, only a shipping forecast is required, for CS a booking forecast is required, and for M demand streams both a booking and shipping forecast must be loaded. 
  3. M = Manual: No forecast is loaded at the beginning of the cycle.  The initial forecast for shipments will be the current aged backlog. 


Site Status

The S&OP Tool uses numbered status codes to identify the current step in the S&OP cycle for a Site. On the Dashboard, the site status is displayed in the dark green header to the right of the Site name. 


The status codes are: 

  • 00 – Month Opening Activities have not been completed and are required to begin S&OP Planning in the S&OP Tool. 

  • 10 – Month Opening Activities has been started. Actuals have been entered. 

  • 20 – Month Opening Activities are in progress. Actuals have been approved. 

  • 30 – Month Opening Activities are completed. S&OP Planning in the S&OP Tool can begin. Start with creating the Demand Plans. 

  • 40 - Demand Plans have been approved. Begin Supply Planning. 


Family-Site / Demand Stream Status

The S&OP Tool uses numbered status codes to identify the current step in the S&OP cycle for each Family-Site and each Demand Stream. In the planning windows, the Family Site status is displayed in the dark green header. In the Demand Hub, it is to the right in the Demand Stream header. 


The following definitions also apply to the Family-Site and Demand Streams. 

  • 10 – Initial entry of the demand plan. (Update) 

  • 20 – Demand plan(s) has been completed and is awaiting approval. (Complete) 

  • 30 – Demand plan(s) is approved. (Approved.)



Planning Table Headers

The S&OP Tool uses headers to identify data by section and the type of data.





Example image of table headers in the S&OP Tool.


  • Section Headers (dark green) – identifies the type of data in the rows below the header (I.e., Summary data, Demand Stream data) 

  • CYE/Current Year End – This column shows the sum of values in the row, starting from the first month of the current fiscal year to the last month in the fiscal year. 

  • YTD/Year to Date – This column shows the sum of values in the row, starting from the first month of the current fiscal year to the most recently completed month (M0). 

  • Rolling 12 – This column shows the sum of values in the row for the next 12 months into the future (M1 to M12). 


  • Historical Months (grey) – These columns show historical data (actual or a past forecast) for the months in the past. The number following M indicates its distance from M0. Negative numbers following the “M” indicate past months (I.e., M-2 is two months prior to M0) and positive numbers indicate months into the future (M2 is two months after M0).  

  • Last Month (M0) (dark grey) – This is the most recent completed S&OP month. This column shows historical data (actual or a past forecast) for last month.  

  • Future Months (white) - These columns show values for the upcoming months. The number following M indicates its distance from M0. Negative numbers following the “M” indicate past months (I.e., M-2 is two months prior to M0) and positive numbers indicate months into the future (M2 is two months after M0). 





Table Headers
Tool - Table Headers.png
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